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Version: 3.0.0 (Alpha 2) 🚧

Setting up a Kubernetes cluster


This guide is helpful in setting up a development environment intended to be used with odo; this setup is not recommended for a production environment.

odo can be used with ANY Kubernetes cluster. However, this development environment will ensure complete coverage of all features of odo.


  • You have a Kubernetes cluster set up (such as minikube)
  • You have admin privileges to the cluster

Important notes: odo will use the default storage provisioning on your cluster. If it has not been set correctly, see our troubleshooting guide for more details.

(OPTIONAL) Installing the Service Binding Operator

Service Binding Operator is required to bind an application with microservices.

Visit Service Binding Operator on or the official documentation of Service Binding Operator to see how you can install it on your Kubernetes cluster.


Confirming your Storage Provisioning functionality

odo deploys with Persistent Volume Claims. By default, when you install a StorageClass such as GlusterFS, it will not be set as the default.

You must set it as the default storage provisioner by modifying the annotation your StorageClass:

kubectl get StorageClass -A
kubectl edit StorageClass/YOUR-STORAGE-CLASS -n YOUR-NAMESPACE

And add the following annotation:

annotation: "true"